Sunday, April 30, 2017

K-2 French Update Q4 W6

Bonjour tout le monde!


This week, we will start learning about clothing vocabulary and some basic phrases surrounding clothing. I have listed the vocabulary below:

Une jupe: a skirt
Un pantalon: pants
Une chemise: a dress shirt
Un chemisier: a blouse
Un short: shorts
Les chaussure: shoes
Un chapeau: a hat

1st/2nd Grade:

We will continue working with the lesson on brothers and sisters. In addition, they are learning the phrase "Il/Elle n'a pas de soeurs." ("He/she does not have any sisters.") This is an important construction for negative sentences in French. Please look at the examples below:

J'ai des ciseaux.
I have scissors.

Je n'ai pas de ciseaux.
I do not have scissors.

When the sentence is negated, the indefinite article (un/une/des) preceding the direct object is replaced with de. Below, I have included examples with un and une.

J'ai une trousse.
I have a pencil case.

Je n'ai pas de trousse.
I do not have a pencil case.

J'ai un stylo.
I have a pen.

Je n'ai pas de stylo.
I do not have a pen.

Please note that this construction only applies to the indefinite article. When the original phrase uses le/la/les, the negative phrase will also use le/la/les because these are definite articles that indicate a specific thing.

**2nd Grade Only**
There will be a quiz a week from Monday, on May 8th. The quiz will cover the vocabulary listed in my last post.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me at I hope this finds you at the end of a restful weekend, and I look forward to seeing the students again tomorrow!

Toute la meilleure,
Mme. Ruchames

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