Sunday, February 26, 2017

K-2 French Update Q3 Week 9

Bonjour tout le monde!


This past week we started learning some general food vocabulary, which can be found on the "Frigo" worksheets your students brought home. Moving forward, we will start learning specific fruits. Below is the new vocabulary for this week:

Une pomme: an apple
Une orange: an orange
Des raisins: grapes
Une banane: banana
Une pasteque: watermelon
Une poire: a pear
Une fraise: a strawberry
Une mangue: a mango

1st Grade:

This week, we will be wrapping up our current lesson on recreational activities in Les Loustics, We will then be reviewing the French alphabet and working on a project describing what each student does and does not like to do.

2nd Grade:

We will also be wrapping up the current lesson in Les Loustics. Please keep in mind that there is homework due Monday, and then test corrections will be due Thursday. This time, students are welcome to do their corrections on the original test, but if they would like, they may request a fresh copy. If your student still needs to make up the test, he or she will need to submit a signed test with any necessary corrections a week after receiving the test. If a student scored 20 or less out of 31 points, he or she must do corrections.

I hope everyone has enjoyed a relaxing weekend, and I look forward to seeing your students this week!

Mme. Ruchames

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

K-2 French Update Week 8

Bonjour tout le monde!

This week, we will be starting new material in Kindergarten, and continuing with last week's new lesson in first and second grade.


After an enjoyable time learning about the members of the family and household vocabulary, this week we will be learning some basic food vocabulary. The words we will be learning are listed below:

Je voudrais...: I would like...
J'ai faim.: I am hungry.
J'ai soif.: I am thirsty.
Des oeufs: eggs
Le fromage: cheese
L'eau: water
Le lait: milk
Le yaourt: yogurt
Des fruits: fruit
Le pain: bread

1st Grade:

This week, we will continue learning how to talk about recreational activities. The vocabulary is listed below:

jouer à cache-cache: to play hide and seek
lire sur un banc: to read on a bench
jouer aux billes: to play marbles
jouer à la marelle: to play hopscotch
sauter à la corde: to jump rope

2nd Grade:

Due to make-up tests and the fact that we lost a day to the long weekend, the tests will come back next week. Corrections will be due a week after they are passed back. For the current vocabulary, please see the list above under 1st grade.

I hope this finds you all doing well, and I look forward to another week of joy in learning!

A plus,

Sunday, February 12, 2017

K-2 French Update Week 7 (Q3)

Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope everybody is enjoying the warmer weather as we quickly approach the end of the third quarter. It is hard to believe just how much time has gone by so fast!


This last week, we worked on solidifying the home and family vocabulary, and we will continue to work with this through next week. After that, we will be introducing food vocabulary, leading into a unit on expressing preferences toward the end of the year.

1st Grade:

We will wrap up the lesson on school activities this week, and then move into vocabulary for recreational activities. Vocabulary for the new lesson will be listed on next week's blog post.

2nd Grade:

We will conclude our study of classroom activities with a test on Monday, and then move into a unit on vocabulary for recreational activities. The test will cover the verbs from the past two lessons (the verbs having to do with classroom activities), changing un/une/des or le/la/les into mon/ma/mes, and the conjugation of avoir. 

Please feel free to reach out to me at with any additional questions, and I hope everyone has a lovely week!

A plus!
Mme. Ruchames

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

**2nd Grade Only** Homework due 2/9

Bonjour tout le monde!

Since the homework tonight involves writing out the words for each number, I thought I would provide a refresher on how to spell the numbers.

1: un
2: deux
3: trois
4: quatre
5: cinq
6: six
7: sept
8: huit
9: neuf
10: dix
11: onze
12: douze
13: treize
14: quatorze
15: quinze
16: seize
17: dix-sept
18: dix-huit
19: dix-neuf
20: vingt

In addition, please remember that there will be a test on Monday, February 13th. Please feel free to reach out with any further questions at

A plus!

Mme. Ruchames

Monday, February 6, 2017

**2nd Grade Only** Homework due 2/8


The homework that was distributed today is modeled on activities we have been doing together in class over the past week or two.  It simply requires the student to change positive sentences into negative sentences and vice versa. Please note that the only part that will change is whether the main verb is "aime" or "n'aime pas." I have included examples for both possible scenarios on the homework itself, but here are a couple more.

Positive to negative:
Léo aime chanter. >> Léo n'aime pas chanter.
Léo likes to sing. >> Léo does not like to sing.

Negative to positive:
Alice n'aime pas chanter. >> Alice aime chanter.
Alice does not like to sing. >> Alice likes to sing.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me at gruchames

A plus!
Mme. Ruchames

K-2 French Update Week 6

Bonjour tout le monde!


We will be continuing to practice with the family and house vocabulary throughout this week. Please reference my previous blog post for any vocabulary you might want to review with your student at home.

1st Grade:

This week we are wrapping up the second unit in Les Loustics, which talks about preferences. In the coming weeks, we will begin learning about family members and body parts.

2nd Grade:

This week we will be wrapping up the second unit in Les Loustics, and preparing for a test a week from today. The test will cover numbers through 20 (please make sure they study the numbers in written form), the verbs from the past few weeks, the days of the week, and changing negative sentences into positive sentences. All of these are readily available in prior blog posts.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Have a wonderful week!

A bientôt!
Mme. Ruchames