Friday, September 9, 2016

Kindergarten French update


Today wraps up another week in the adventure that is Kindergarten French.  Through a mixture of songs, poems, and other activities, we have been learning numbers through 20, as well as colors and basic greetings.  You have probably seen your children's butterflies and the poem to which they correspond.  I was very proud to see them reciting lines from memory after only one or two sessions!  "Les Papillons" was our introduction to colors, and then we expanded our color vocabulary, which culminated in singing "La chanson des couleurs" (

The past week or two we have been learning the numbers 1-20.  We started by counting up to five bunnies ("Un petit lapin") and then moved on to count up to 10.  We learned a brief rhyme to help remember the numbers 1-9 (, and also learned "Dix petites fleurs" (  On Wednesday we played bingo with the numbers we have been learning, which was good fun for all of the students.

It has been a joy working with your students so far, and I look forward to working with them further as we continue to parts of the body next week!

1st and 2nd Grade Update


Looking back, it's hard to believe that we're already well into the first quarter!  Just yesterday, we finished up the second lesson in Unit 1 of Les Loustics: "Combien de doigts?"  We have been working on introducing ourselves and counting using the numbers 1-12.  For those of you who have been enjoying the CD included in the workbook, we have been singing "Je te dis bonjour!" and "1, 2, 3" during class, so I am sure your children would love to practice those whenever possible!

During class, I have noticed that some students still do not have the workbook.  While in some cases it is possible for students to share their books with another or for me to photocopy pages, class goes most smoothly when each student can do the activity for himself or herself.  Below I have listed the link to the Amazon listing of the correct book for both 1st and 2nd grade, which can be obtained fairly cheaply:

It has been a joyful time seeing your students begin to thrive in the immersion environment.  Please keep encouraging them to listen carefully and to keep an open mind during class.  I look forward to continuing our exploration of French language and culture together!

2ND GRADE ONLY: We will be having our first quiz on Wednesday, September 14th.  This quiz will cover the identification of the Legrand family (the characters on the matching homework from a couple weeks ago) and the numbers 1-12.  Your student should know how to recognize the written numbers as well as the connection between the numerals and the spoken words.