Sunday, December 11, 2016

K-2 French Update Quarter 2 Week 9

Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope this finds everybody enjoying the end-of-semester festivities and preparing to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.  This week we will be reviewing material to solidify it before the break.


This past week, we began a unit on weather to follow the unit on days of the week and months of the year.  We have been working through a brief book that they will eventually be putting together to take home.

Below, you will find the vocabulary we have been learning:

Il pleut.: It is raining.
Il fait froid.: It is cold outside.
Il neige.: It is snowing.
Il fait chaud.: It is hot outside.
Il fait beau.: It is nice outside.
Il y a du vent.: It is windy outside.
Il y a du soleil.: It is sunny outside.

1st/2nd Grade:

We will be wrapping up the lesson on some new verbs and classroom objects.  Below, I have have listed the poem we are learning in class, "S'il te plait," as well as some of our new vocabulary.

"S'il te plaît"

S'il te plaît, mon amie Alice
Prête-moi! Prête-moi!
Des ciseaux, un taille-crayon,
Une gomme et un crayon.
J'ai oublié ma trousse et mon cartable.
Merci, mon amie. Tu es formidable!

Un taille-crayon: A pencil sharpener
Un crayon: A pencil
Des crayons de couleur: Colored pencils
Ranger: to arrange, organize
Prendre: to take
Poser: to put down
Prêter: to lend

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a conference after the break, feel free to e-mail me at Until then, joyeux fêtes et bonne année!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

K-2 French Update Week 8

Bonjour tout le monde!

The semester is wrapping up quickly, and it's wonderful to look back at the knowledge we have accumulated thus far during the year. As we close out the semester, we will be starting some new material while reviewing older concepts.


On Tuesday, we will wrap up the months and seasons unit and move on to weather.  I have been particularly impressed with the students' grasp on the names of the seasons, and I look forward to starting new material.

1st/2nd Grade:

This past week, we concluded the lesson on classroom objects and gendered objects, so we will be moving on to a unit that expands upon this classroom vocabulary with some new verbs, and a couple new objects as well.  While learning this material, we will also learn the poem "S'il te plaît," which I hope you will start hearing at home as the week goes on.

2nd Grade only:

I am still missing many signed tests.  If you have lost the original test or thrown it away by accident, please let me know.  However, returning the signed test to me does count as a grade, so please try and get them back to me as soon as possible.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at with any questions regarding the material.