Friday, March 31, 2017

K-2 French Update

Bonjour tout le monde!


This week we will be starting to learn animals in French. Listed below is the vocabulary we will use:

Le cygne: the swan
La girafe: the giraffe
La tortue: the turtle
La poisson: the fish
Le cochon: the pig
Le lapin: the rabbit
Le pingouin: the penguin
L'ours: the bear
Le rhinocéros: the rhinoceros

In addition, we will be learning a new song, the link to which I have posted below:

1st and 2nd Grade:

We will begin learning how to talk about the interior of the house and personal objects. At the end of the week, we will also begin to learn prepositions. Below, I have listed the vocabulary we will use for this lesson:

Le lit. the bed
La chaise: the chair
Le coffre: the box
Les jouets: the toys
Le mur: the wall
Le bureau: the desk

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend, and I look forward to seeing the students again on Monday!

Toute la meilleure,
Mme. Ruchames

Sunday, March 26, 2017

K-2 French Update Q4 W1

Bonjour tout le monde!

I hope everybody enjoyed their spring break to the fullest, and I look forward to coming back after a good week of rest. This week, we will be tying up some loose ends and moving right into new material as we quickly approach the end of the year!


We will be reviewing the fruits and then moving into preferences. Your student will be learning how to say they do or do not like something during this brief unit.

1st Grade:

We will be reviewing the vocabulary about the house and places where you live in order to wrap up the lesson. Next week, we will move on to household objects.

2nd Grade:

We will review the rooms of the house and places where you live, followed by a brief quiz on Thursday. Below is the vocabulary your student will need to know for the quiz:

à la campagne: in the countryside
à la mer: by the sea
à la montagne: by the mountains
en ville: in town
une maison: a house
un appartement: an apartment
la cuisine: the kitchen
la chambre: the bedroom
le salon: the living room
la salle à manger: the dining room
le jardin: the garden
la salle de bains: the bathroom

As usual, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at I hope you enjoy your Sunday, and I look forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!

A plus!
Mme. Ruchames

Sunday, March 12, 2017

K-2 French Update Q3 Week 11L

Bonjour tout le monde!


This week we will be finishing up the fruit vocabulary to wrap up the quarter. Please see last week's blog post for relevant vocabulary.

1st/2nd Grade:

We will be wrapping up the current lesson on the house and places where you can live. Below is the vocabulary we will have by the end of the week:

Une maison: a house
Un appartement: an apartment
A la campagne: in the country
A la montagne: in the mountains
En ville: in the city
A la mer: by the sea
La cuisine: the kitchen
La chambre: the bedroom
Le salon: the living room
La salle à manger: The dining room
Le jardin: The garden
La salle de bains: The bathroom

When we return from spring break, 2nd grade will have a review of this material followed by a quiz on Thursday, March 30th.

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful, sunny weekend!

A plus,
Mme. Ruchames

2nd Grade Homework due 3/13

Bonjour tout le monde!

For this week's homework, there are a few different parts. First, the student needs to connect each image with the phrase describing that image. We will be using vocabulary that they have learned and written in their French notebooks.

The second section is just a brief paragraph about themselves. There are cues for the sort of answer I am looking for inside the parentheses. They will be writing about their name, how old they are, where they live, and what they like to do.  This second part does incorporate some vocabulary from previous lessons.

The third part simply requires the student to use the correct form of aimer (meaning "to love/like"). This should be in their notebooks as well, but I will provide it below:

J'aime: I like
Tu aimes: You like
Il aime: He likes
Elle aime: She likes
On aime: We like (informal)/one likes
Nous aimons: We like
Vous aimez: You (plural or formal) like
Ils aiment: They like (masculine or mixed masc. and feminine)
Elles aiment: They like (feminine only)

I hope this finds everyone enjoying the sunny weekend, and I look forward to a great week before spring break!

A plus,
Mme. Ruchames

Sunday, March 5, 2017

K-2 French Update Q3 Week 10

Bonjour tout le monde!


Since I was out sick on Friday, we will be starting the fruit vocabulary mentioned last week this week. Below, I have attached the link to a video that might be helpful to play with your student in order to reinforce the vocabulary:

1st Grade:

We will be starting a unit on the household this week, specifically about different places where you can live. Vocabulary for this will be posted next week.

2nd Grade:

I would like to remind everyone that tomorrow's quiz will be brief and will only cover the vocabulary from the past unit. That can be found on my previous post about the 2nd grade French quiz. On Wednesday, we will start the last new lesson of the quarter about places where you can live and the house in general.

I hope this finds everyone doing well, and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions at!

A plus!
Mme. Ruchames

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

2nd Grade French Quiz Monday

Bonjour tout le monde!

Just letting you know that there will be a brief French quiz this upcoming Monday. In preparation, your student should study the following vocabulary:

jouer à la marelle: playing hopscotch
jouer au ballon: playing ball
jouer à cache-cache:playing hide-and-seek
jouer aux billes:playing marbles
sauter à la corde:jumping rope
lire sur un banc: reading a book on a bench

There will be a word bank, so your student should be able to recognize these words, but does not need to be able to spell them from memory.

I hope this finds everyone having a lovely week!

A bientôt!
Mme. Ruchames