Sunday, November 20, 2016

K-2 French Updater Week 6

Bonjour tout le monde!

This week we will mostly be reviewing our current material to solidify it before we go on Thanksgiving break.


We will be finishing up the months of the year, and we will practice with the vocabulary we have already learned on Tuesday.


We will continue reviewing the classroom objects from Unit 2, Lesson 1.  In addition, I will be introducing the concept of masculine and feminine adjectives.  The gender of the adjective depends on the noun it is modifying, and sometimes the feminine adjective is spelled differently from the masculine.  Below are the pairs with different forms, listed with the masculine first, followed by the feminine:

bleu, bleue: blue
violet, violette: purple
vert, verte: green
blanc, blanche: white
noir, noire: black

I hope everybody has a wonderful Thanksgiving, and enjoy the R&R weekend coming up!

A plus tard,
Mme. Ruchames

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